Have you consulted with the print provider on what is actually required?ĪI: Artificial Intelligence or Automated Idiocy? Please mark Yes/No as to whether a Reply answers your question. Provider as to what color ink should be used anywhere the color in the document is other than black. The print color choice can be made based on swatches from the Without knowing any more about the extent of color use in the document I can't be sure, but if it's just a matter of a single color it shouldn't matter what actual color is applied in the document. Also, color values of a color to be used in the document can be specified in the Color picker, but I can't attest to the accuracy it provides. No guarantees that 20+ year-old software will actually work, although all the of the disk images. The formats include 400K MFS, 800 HFS, 1.44 HFS, original CD images & custom disk images that I have created. HSB or CMYK values of a color used in the document the color is being displayed as RGB only. This is a collection of Macintosh software disk images ranging from the mid-80's to the late '90's. Although it's possible to determine the RGB, This is capability you'd find in desktop publishing & graphic design software. However, Word is not equipped for color separation to begin with, so there is no way to distinguish between 'spot' & 'process' color.
I'm afraid I don't understand your question :-} AFAIK, Spot Colors are premixed inks used in order to (a) insure consistency of the color throughout the job and/or (b) avoid the higher cost of CMYK process printing (4 color) if fewer than 4 colors are